Institute of English Studies
The performance of reading: literary studies as writing
How student writing shapes the discipline.
The conventional distinction between creativity and criticism has masked the degree to which critical literary studies have always been in some sense creative. Teacher critics and their students typically make texts out of texts in a layered and dialogic process of de- and re-formation. In this workshop we shall explore ways of articulating this process. Through a lens of structured activities we hope to generate refreshed understandings of the pedagogic act.
- Dr. Chris Thurgar-Dawson (University of Teesside) Dr.Clare Connors and Dr. Stephen Benson (University of East Anglia)
15 May 2015, 14:00 – 17:00
Room 349 (3rd floor)
University of London Senate House, South Block
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
The performance of reading: literary studies as writing
How student writing shapes the discipline.
The conventional distinction between creativity and criticism has masked the degree to which critical literary studies have always been in some sense creative. Teacher critics and their students typically make texts out of texts in a layered and dialogic process of de- and re-formation. In this workshop we shall explore ways of articulating this process. Through a lens of structured activities we hope to generate refreshed understandings of the pedagogic act.
All seminars will be held at: IES, Senate House. Supported by the HEA. Organisers: Ben Knights, Robert Eaglestone (R.Eaglestone@rhul.ac.uk, contact for further details)
If you would like to attend please email IESEvents@sas.ac.uk.