Critical Creativity: a symposium for Timothy Mathews Friday 22nd Sept. Organised by UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society Why does engagement with art matter? As Timothy Mathews retires from his long career as Professor of Comparative Criticism in the French
Conf. Programme English: Shared Futures Wed 5th-Fri 7th July Newcastle, UK
THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE AND CREATIVE WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE. We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK and across the world. Wednesday
English: Shared Futures conference programme 5th-7th July
English: Shared Futures Conference THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE AND CREATIVE WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE. ‘We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK
Extended deadline for expressions of interest:’Matters Creative and Critical’
Edited by Timothy Mathews, University College London, UK and Jen Webb, University of Canberra, Australia The vision of this special issue is to explore critical creativity in the interaction of form and content. Expressions of interest/draft proposals 250 words including
Arts and Humanities in HE New Issue: Meeting the Challenge
Meeting the challenges: This issue This issue starts with two examples of discipline-boundary-crossing materialculture projects: ‘Ethnography by design: On goals and mediating artefacts’(Fabian Segelstrom and Stefan Holmlid, pp. 134–149) and ‘Toward a pedagogy for faculty and student co-responsibility in
Celebrating 50 yrs of Lucy Cavendish:50 Poems by ”remarkable and inspiring women poets”
Readers of 50 Poems by ”remarkable and inspiring women poets” Celebrating 50 years of Lucy Cavendish College: Reading Fifty Poems “The development of Lucy Cavendish College grew out of the vision and determination of three women who formed a
Lucy Cavendish-Cambridge College for Women over 21- New Voices
Lucy Cavendish 2015 Graduate Research Day: Humanities and Social Science Abstracts * Elizabeth Forbes. Researching Creative Writers’ Self-Identities The focus of my research is the development of creative writers’ self-identities in the context of mentoring and HE teaching
‘Narrative’ Story Contest
About Narrative Narrative Magazine @NarrativeMag Mission: to advance literary art in the digital age. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2003, Narrative is dedicated to advancing literary arts in the digital age by supporting the finest writing talent and
English: Pedagogic Criticism Workshop 2 20th February
Pedagogic Criticism Workshop 2: English between Higher and Secondary Education Friday 20th February, 2015, 2-5 pm, London Senate House Room 243 In the study of English, bodies of knowledge and pedagogic practices are inextricably linked. Subjects are produced in the dialogues
English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present and Future

English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present, and Future, edited by Niall Gildea, Helena Goodwyn, Megan Kitching and Helen Tyson, is an accessible and wide-ranging consideration of concerns facing English Studies and its unique position within the university