A Special Issue of writings from and inspired by: Arendt, Attridge, Barnett, Bhabha, Clarke, Deegan, Derrida, Evans, Heaney, Kanter, Mandela, Moltow, Ndebele, Nussbaum, Stimpson, Strathern, Tagore, New Voices and Editors. *How do we defend the Humanities? *How do we stave
The Future of Aural Skills in Universities and Conservatoires
by Paul Fleet, AHHE Associate Editor for Music Hello again. My first blog highlighted particular upcoming music conferences, and in keeping with this I wanted to report to you my thoughts from a recent Aural Skills Pedagogy Symposium that was
Translating Theatre: an update by Margherita Laera and Flora Pitrolo
by Margherita Laera and Flora Pitrolo, University of Kent A few months ago Jan Parker wrote a blog [TRANSLATING THEATRE: ‘FOREIGNISATION’ ON STAGE] about our AHRC-sponsored project entitled ‘Translation, Adaptation, Otherness’, following her attendance of our symposium on theatre
Translating Theatre: ‘Foreignisation’ on Stage’
Reflections from the AHRC Translating Cultures Project and 21st Nov Symposium (http://www.translatingtheatre.com/) by Jan Parker The playwright creates a game for actors. The translator creates the
Upcoming Events
Dr Paul Fleet As many of you will know, the Golden Pages http://goldenpages.jpehs.co.uk/conferences/ / @thegoldenpages acts as an excellent music conference list for those of us who want to connect with our colleagues and their research and scholarship ideas. In
The Reflective Conservatoire:shifting the paradigms,urging a transformative agenda
From the Reflective Conservatoire Special Issue Editorial by Helena Gaunt, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, UK More: Reflective Conservatoire Special Issue Editorial Table of Contents http://www.artsandhumanities.org/ahhe-journal/arts-and-humanit…ervatoire-15-3-4/ Fulfilling the potential of the paradigm shift now upon us means
AHHE journal Reflective Conservatoire Special Issue: Editorial
Reflective Conservatoire Special Issue Editorial by Helena Gaunt, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, UK We are experiencing a paradigm shift in specialist education in the performing arts: in what it takes to prepare students for professional
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education journal Special Issue: The Reflective Conservatoire 15 (3-4)
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education Special Issue: The Reflective Conservatoire July-Oct.2016; 15 (3-4) Table of Contents Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on the Reflective Conservatoire Helena Gaunt Articles Conservatoires in society: Institutional challenges and possibilities for change
An arts and cultural education Polylogue: Reflections
Earlier, we published Pat’s reflections on Days 1 & 2 and Days 3 & 4 of AN ARTS AND CULTURAL EDUCATION POLYLOGUE Here we have her post conference reflections – on networking and “reporting back” First posted on May 22, 2015 by pat thomson
An arts and cultural education Polylogue: Days 3 & 4 by Pat Thomson
conference day three Posted on May 20, 2015by pat thomson Four snapshots from the conference… (1) One of the things we’ve been presented with at the conference is a heuristic for thinking about quality in arts education. This is a