Dr Paul Fleet
As many of you will know, the Golden Pages http://goldenpages.jpehs.co.uk/conferences/ / @thegoldenpages acts as an excellent music conference list for those of us who want to connect with our colleagues and their research and scholarship ideas. In my new role as Associate Editor for Music for Arts and Humanities in Higher Education Research I thought I would introduce myself by sharing some of the conferences that have recently caught my attention as someone who has research/scholarship interests in Teaching & Learning Strategies, Industry Immersion in Teaching, Music Analysis & Theory, Popular Music Education, Phenomenology, and the composer and aesthetician Ferruccio Busoni.
‘Sound: A lucky bag or a poor cousin of music theory’ is the title of the 16th annual congress in Hannover (Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien), Germany, 30 September 2016 – 2 October 2016. There will be be five themes looking at the angles of the term in-itself as well as the teaching and analysis of sound. The focus of such a loaded term is welcome, especially in a discipline where the division between notated and non-notated musics continues to provoke much interest.
Between 21–23 October 2016, the University of Surrey will be holding a conference on ‘Miles Davis and John Coltrane at 90: Retrospect and Prospect’. The outline of the conference can be found at http://www.surrey.ac.uk/sites/default/files/conference-programme-miles-davis-john-coltrane.pdf and the evening concert on the Saturday has Ronnie Scott’s All Stars Quintet.
The 3rd Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism research event to take place in London on November 11th and 12th 2016. This truly interdisciplinary event will concentrate upon ‘whiteness’ (employing Jennifer Stoever-Ackerman’s term) and how it is transmitted, heard and understood in music, art, and co-creative activities. To note, the event will also see the launch of a publication that celebrates the presentations and participants from the previous two SGFA events.
These are, of course, only some of the conferences on the Pages and there are others that can be found through various email and social networks. However, if you have anything planned – an event, meeting, discussion group, conference – that you think is within the discipline of music or interdisciplinary within the field of the Arts and Humanities in Higher Education and would be of interest please do let me know and I will do my best to share this information.