A Special Issue of writings from and inspired by: Arendt, Attridge, Barnett, Bhabha, Clarke, Deegan, Derrida, Evans, Heaney, Kanter, Mandela, Moltow, Ndebele, Nussbaum, Stimpson, Strathern, Tagore, New Voices and Editors. *How do we defend the Humanities? *How do we stave
The Humanities without condition AHHE article by Derek Attridge
The Humanities without condition: Derrida and the singular oeuvre by Derek Attridge In an important lecture on the function of the Humanities, ‘The University without Condition’, Jacques Derrida asks what it means to ‘profess’ the truth and advocates a commitment
Representing Trauma: Broken Narratives in film, photography & music
‘I am tired from all of these feelings’: Narrating suffering in the film Sick by Senka Božić-Vrbančić, Renata Kokanović, Jelena Kupsjak This article explores ‘the politics of sentimentality’ with specific reference to the documentary
The seeing place: Talking theatre and medicine by Deborah and Joanna Bowman
Just published in AHHE vol 17 no.1 The seeing place: Talking theatre & medicine by Deborah & Joanna Bowman A Professor of Medical Ethics and a theatre director, also mother and daughter, talk about health, illness, suffering, performance and practice. Using the
‘Stories, narratives, scenarios in Medicine’ in AHHE 17.1
‘Stories, narratives, scenarios in Medicine’ by Jan Parker ©Emma Barnard @PatientAsPaper in Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives Special Issue Introduction There are occasions when ‘literary’ academic writing abuts and can profitably engage with other disciplines and other professional practices. Life-writing, archaeological
New AHHE Narrative Medicine article:’Honouring a life and narrative work: John’s story’ by Sara Ryan
Honouring a life & narrative work: John’s story by Sara Ryan The importance of witnessing broken narratives and somehow writing or representing these is matched by the challenges associated with trying to do this within a context of
New AHHE Medical Humanities SI Editorial article ‘Broken narratives and the lived body’
Editorial article by Renata Kokanović, Meredith Stone, The ‘Broken Narrative’ essays included in this issue open up a critical space for understanding and theorising illness narratives that defy a conventional cognitive ordering of the self as a bounded spatial and temporal entity.
New #BrokenNarratives article:Weathering a violent storm together with those experiencing psychosis-related challenges
Weathering a violent storm together – Witnessing and co-constructing meaning in collaborative engagement with those experiencing psychosis-related challenges by Lizette Nolte in Special Medical Humanities Issue: Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives Guest Editor : Deborah Bowman Guest Editor : Renata Kokanović
Bodywork: Self-harm, trauma, and embodied expressions of pain; in NEW AHHE SPECIAL ISSUE: REPRESENTING TRAUMA; HONOURING BROKEN NARRATIVES
NEW AHHE SPECIAL ISSUE: REPRESENTING TRAUMA; HONOURING BROKEN NARRATIVES http://journals.sagepub.com/toc/ahha/17/1 Bodywork: Self-harm, trauma, and embodied expressions of pain Kesherie Gurung Self-harm, or self-mutilation, is generally viewed in academic literature as a pathological act, usually born out
New AHHE Special Issue: Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives
Special Medical Humanities Issue: Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives Editors: Deborah Bowman, Renata Kokanovic and Jan Parker Editorial: Stories, narratives, scenarios in Medicine Jan Parker This Medical Humanities Special Issue critiques and reflects on narrative practices around medical, psychiatric and