Performance, Trauma and Victimhood Call for papers This interdisciplinary conference explores the role of performance and performativity in the mediation of traumatic effects. With a view to interrogating traditional conceptions of traumatic unrepresentability, it invites papers that explore the potential
Critical Creativity: a symposium for Timothy Mathews
Critical Creativity: a symposium for Timothy Mathews Friday 22nd Sept. Organised by UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society Why does engagement with art matter? As Timothy Mathews retires from his long career as Professor of Comparative Criticism in the French
Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Congress
Thursday 14th September 2017 Van Mildert College, Durham Programme Day 1 Keynote address: Ericka Johnson and Kristin Zeiler (Linköping University, Sweden) “Embodiment, Materiality and Normativity in Medical Humanities” Parallel 1 1a) Medical Posthumanities?: New Approaches to Illness, Disability, and Care Amelia
Conf. Programme English: Shared Futures Wed 5th-Fri 7th July Newcastle, UK
THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE AND CREATIVE WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE. We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK and across the world. Wednesday
Reflections on ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds: Mental Health in the Medical Humanities’conference
‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds: Mental Health in the Medical Humanities’ conference Reflections by Jan Parker, University of Cambridge Sincere thanks are due to the Organisers from the University of Nottingham, Michele McIntosh and Martin Brooks And to the AHRC Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership
‘THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE AND CREATIVE WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE. We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK and across the world.’ Wednesday
English: Shared Futures conference programme 5th-7th July
English: Shared Futures Conference THE STUDY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE AND CREATIVE WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC ENTERPRISE. ‘We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK
CfP ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds’ Uni of Nottingham, 13 April 2017
Reading Bodies, Writing Minds (CfP, University of Nottingham, 13 April 2017) ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds’ is a one-day conference exploring mental health issues in the medical humanities, and will be held 13 April 2017at Highfield House, The University of Nottingham’s
Saturday 12.11.2016 09:00 – 10:00 PLENARY LECTURE The role of narrative in Person Centred Care Nicky Britten The term Person Centred Care has many definitions and few practitioners. At the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person Centred Care (GPCC) in
CONF. ON NARRATIVE OF HEALTH & ILLNESS:Hurwitz,Cochrane & Doctors’ Shame
09:30 – 10:30 PLENARY LECTURE What Archie Cochrane’s Case Narrative of 1943 Teaches Brian Hurwitz Known as the founder of evidence-based-medicine, Prof Archie Cochrane’s fascinating memoir, published after his death, is about his ‘misdiagnosis’ of a dying POW screaming. A