We will celebrate the discipline’s intellectual strength, diversity and creativity and explore its futures in the nations of the UK and across the world.’
Wednesday 5th July
10.30 – 12.15 Registration
11.30 – 12.30 English Association Welcoming/Mentoring Session
12.30 – 1.45 Panel Sessions
- Advocating and Promoting English Studies (Early Career Academics – ECA)
- B/Orders of Standard English: Registering Linguistic Difference in the Academic Writing Classroom
- Investigating English: Translating Linguistic Research for the Secondary English Classroom
- Digital Humanities: GIS and English Studies
- Book Parts: Flash Panel
- HEA Roundtable: Who We Are
- Place Writing: People, Partnerships and Pedagogy; or Impact, Exchange and Policy
- Teaching 21st Century Genre
- Contemporary Women’s Writing: Archiving for the Future (Contemporary Women’s Writing Association – CWWA)
- Women Who Dare (National Association of Writers in Education – NAWE)
- Feminist Pedagogies, Feminist Classrooms
- Beyond Story – An Examination of the ‘Authentic’ in Fiction and Poetry
- Migration and Borders
2.00 – 3.15 English: The Journal of the English Association presents the Plenary Panel – Literary Biography: Andrew Hadfield, Kathryn Hughes, Hermione Lee
3.30 – 4.45 Panel Sessions
- University English (UE) presents The Discipline of English and the Work of the Humanities
- English Association Literary Salon: Helen Mort
- Social Justice and Literature
- Making it New: On the Future of Modernist Studies British Association for Modernist Studies – BAMS)
- Teaching Genre Fiction Writing (NAWE)
- The Concept of Storyworld in Relation to the Impact of New Technology on Writing Practices
- HEA Teaching Surgery
- Useless Articles: English and Instrumentalism
- Knowledge About Language and Linguistics in the Classroom
- Contemporary Women’s Writing: Apocalyptic Narratives (CWWA)
- Contemporary British Tragedy / Symptoms at the Surface: On Postcolonial Critical Reading / Immersive Poetics
- Poetics of Feminism
- Literary Societies in Action: Creativity, Engagement and Learning
5.00 – 6.15 Panel Sessions
- University English (UE) presents The Discipline of English and the Work of the Humanities
- English Association Literary Salon: Elleke Boehmer
- Publishing Roundtable (ECA)
- Making it New is the Oldest Trick in the Book: On Current Modernist Studies (BAMS)
- Contemporary Critical Perspectives: Looking Back, Moving Forward
- Reshaping Reality: Creative Work in Progress
- Creative Work (CWWA)
- ‘trans-‘
- Neo-Victorian Mortalities
- Gender, Sexuality and (Un)doing English
- Goldsmiths’ Writers
6.15 – 7.30 Conference Drinks Reception in association with Palgrave, with the launch of Ben Knights’ Pedagogic Criticism (2017)
Thursday 6th July
9.30 – 10.45 Panel Sessions
- The Borders of Irish Literature (British Association for Irish Studies – BAIS)
- Virtual Collegiality: Putting the ‘Social’ Back into Social Media (CWWA)
- Flight Paths in English Studies: Searching for Lines of Consistency in Learner Activity from 11 to Postgraduate (and Beyond
- Open Voice Session (ECA)
- Cross-Pollination: Music, Railways, Publications and Productions
- ‘The Past is My Present to Your Future’: Capitalizing on the Linguistic Heritage of the North East
- After Brexit: Life without Erasmus (NAWE)
- Distance Learning: default or fault?
- Teaching Excellence Framework Workshop (HEA)
- Delivering English: a roundtable of subject leads and department heads
- Renaissance Outreach (Society for Renaissance Studies – SRS)
- Closed Circles? English Literature and the Return of Canonical Exclusivity
- Why Shakespeare Now? (British Shakespeare Association – BSA)
- Literature and Cultural Politics in the Long Eighteenth Century
11.00 – 12.15 Panel Sessions
- Writing Shared Futures: African American Literature and Racialisation (British Association for American Studies – BAAS)
- Contemporary Women’s Writing and Book Publication Workshop (CWWA)
- Towards a Theory of Poetry Writing Development
- Close Reading and Queer Reputation-Building
- At the Borders of Globalisation
- Tomorrow’s English Today
- Don’t Give Up Your Day Job: Preparing Creative Writing Graduates for Lifelong Careers (NAWE)
- Creative Writing, Knowledge and Emancipatory Strategies
- The Future of the Victorians: Neo-Victorians (British Association for Victorian Studies – BAVS)
- PhD Network: Alternative Futures: 70/30 (NAWE)
- Audio-Visual Romanticism
- Contemporary Fiction, Method, Manifesto: Towards a Response
- Sharing Shakespeare’s Language (BSA)
- Grassroot Feminist Novels of Sixties England / Celebrity Culture and Corruption in the Indian Graphic Novel Legends of Halahala / John Donne
12.30 – 1.45 Panel Sessions
- Literature, Science and Inbetween (British Society for Literature and Science BSLS)
- Publishing and Contemporary Women’s Writing Workshop (CWWA)
- From A Level to HE: Reading
- PhD Students Teaching Workshop (ECA) [Numbers limited, pre-booking required]
- On Reflection: Voice and Medium in the Reflective Component of Practice-Led Research
- Competence Modelling and English Literature
- Ethics in Creative Writing and Life Research (NAWE)
- Academics and Engaged Publics (British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies)
- The Future of the Victorians: Digital Curation (BAVS)
- Global Futures
- Romanticism, Mutability and Mobilite
- Poetry Reading by US, UK and Australian Poets (NAWE)
- Multi-Cultural Textualities I
2.00 – 3.15 Plenary – Language and the Problem of Female Authority, Deborah Cameron
3.30 – 4.45 Panel Sessions
- Defining the Contemporary (Contemporary Studies Network)
- English Association Literary Salon: John Mullan
- From A Level to HE: Writing
- Barriers to Access (ECA) [Numbers limited, pre-booking required]
- Creative Writing in Higher Education
- Public Linguistics and Impact
- Poetry: Form and Experiment Workshop (NAWE)
- Renaissance Literature Beyond the Canon (SRS)
- Sharing Pedagogies Integrating English project and Poetics and Linguistics Association
- Literature and the New Cognitive Science
- Romanticism and the Stigmatised: Transnationalism, Migration and Trauma
- The Environmental Humanities: Changing Ecologies, Persistence and Possibility
- Multi-Cultural Textualities II
- Employability and English Studies
5.00 – 6.15 Panel Sessions
- HE for Our Time (Institute of English Studies – IES)
- English Association Literary Salon: Dinah Birch
- The Living Archive: Archives and Contemporary Poetry
- REF for PhDs and Early Career Academics (ECA)
- ECAs and PhDs in an Age of Anxiety (ECA)
- Englishes: Writing and Thinking in Multiple Voices
- Harold Rosen Lecture
- Sharing Futures Across Primary, Secondary and University Education (BSA)
- What Do We Do When We Analyse Texts? (Poetics and Linguistics Association)
- Divided by a Common Language: Creative Writing Discourse in the US, UK and Australia (NAWE)
- Romantic Liminology: A Roundtable Discussion
- The Environmental Humanities: The Interdependent Present
- Getting Ready for ‘The Modernist Party as Pedagogy’: A Critique of Role-Play in the Teaching of Modernism
- Shakespearean Futures 400+
Friday 7th July
9.30 – 10.45 Panel Sessions
- HEA Fellowship Workshop
- Shared Subject Knowledge? English Across School, University, and PGCE
- The Past, Present and Future of Postcolonial Literary Studies
- BAME Roundtable (ECA)
- Paper Nations: Building a Creative nation for Young Writers (NAWE)
- Writing Workshop: The Poem as Witness: War and its Aftermath
- Sexual Harrassment
- What is the Industry Standard for Digital Research in English?
- Epic Transformation? Developing the English Curriculum at University
- Anglo-Saxon Futures I
- Literature in Britain Today: Findings of a National Opinion Poll (Royal Society of Literature)
- Researching Living Writers
- Renaissance Literature: New Pedagogies (SRS)
- Wild Laughter: Performing Life/Staging Biography
11.00 – 12.15 Panel Sessions
- External Examining and Academic Standards: seeking greater consistency (HEA)
- Teaching Through Imitation
- Career Development Workshop (ECA) [Numbers limited, pre-booking required]
- Shared Futures for Literary Theory I
- Shared Responsibility: Auto/Biography and the Ethics of Representation
- Contemporary British and American Poetics: the Trans-Atlantic Avant-Garde (Centre for Contemporary Poetry)
- Broadcasting English
- Englishes Online
- Anglo-Saxon Futures II
- Beyond the East/West Divide: Bangladesh as Travelling Culture in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane
- English Studies and Careers: Opening a Conversation
- Renaissance Literature: New Perspectives (SRS)
- National Literatures and New ‘Englishes’: Writing from Wales
12.30 – 1.45 Panel Sessions
- How to Grow an English Student (Common English Forum)
- Academics in the Classroom: How Can Universities Deliver English Outreach for Schools
- The Future of English Studies I: Periodisation (ECA)
- Shared Futures for Literary Theory II
- How Can Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes Support People to Improve their Mental Health
- Reflections on Time and Place: the Creative Writing PhD in Historical Fiction
- Hometowns and Influences (NAWE)
- Literary Research and Teaching in the Age of DH
- Literary Criticism in an Age of Radical Politics
- Awake and Present: a roundtable on why contemporary literary studies matters (British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies)
- Stella Benson and I Pose / Ellen Terry and the Archives
- Reading (IES)
- Writing (out of) Wales
2.00 – 3.15 The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society ALCS presents the Plenary – Creative Writing, Bernardine Evaristo
3.30 – 4.45 Panel Sessions
- Diversity in Teaching and Learning (NAWE)
- English Association Literary Salon: Marina Warner
- The Future of English Studies II: English Studies in Ruins? (ECA)
- CWWA Meeting
- Story as Medicine: Creative Writing Workshop
- Creativity and Research in the 21st Century (NAWE)
- Crossing Borders in the Nineteenth Century: Genre and Time
- Across the Great Divide: the Scientific Humanities and the Future of the Discipline
- Transnational Scholarship and the Digital Edition
- Difficult Identities: How the Academy and Literature Must Do Justice to their Own Complexity
- Music as Literature, Literature as Music
- Scholarly Editing in the 21st Century