Performance, Trauma and Victimhood Call for papers This interdisciplinary conference explores the role of performance and performativity in the mediation of traumatic effects. With a view to interrogating traditional conceptions of traumatic unrepresentability, it invites papers that explore the potential
New AHHE Special Issue: Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives
Special Medical Humanities Issue: Representing Trauma; Honouring Broken Narratives Editors: Deborah Bowman, Renata Kokanovic and Jan Parker Editorial: Stories, narratives, scenarios in Medicine Jan Parker This Medical Humanities Special Issue critiques and reflects on narrative practices around medical, psychiatric and
Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Congress
Thursday 14th September 2017 Van Mildert College, Durham Programme Day 1 Keynote address: Ericka Johnson and Kristin Zeiler (Linköping University, Sweden) “Embodiment, Materiality and Normativity in Medical Humanities” Parallel 1 1a) Medical Posthumanities?: New Approaches to Illness, Disability, and Care Amelia
Reflections on ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds: Mental Health in the Medical Humanities’conference
‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds: Mental Health in the Medical Humanities’ conference Reflections by Jan Parker, University of Cambridge Sincere thanks are due to the Organisers from the University of Nottingham, Michele McIntosh and Martin Brooks And to the AHRC Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership
AHHE Special Issue Winds of the South: Intercultural university models for the 21st century
Winds of the South: Intercultural university models for the 21st century Editors: Manuela Guilherme Gunther Dietz Introduction – Winds of the South: Intercultural university models for the 21st century by Manuela Guilherme Gunther Dietz This issue of Arts and Humanities in
Teaching French History: An IHR Roundtable by Andrew WM Smith
Time is at the heart of what we do as historians, and how we teach our students. Daily, we’re confronted with a wide array of past presents and expired futures. Conceptually, our teaching is also committed to a belief
The evil of banality: Arendt revisited by Elizabeth Minnich
‘Is our ability to judge, to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly, dependent upon our faculty of thought? Do the inability to think and a disastrous failure of what we commonly call conscience coincide?…. An answer, if at all,
A “merged sensibility”: Poetry from an early medical humanist, John Mcfarland
Jonathan Mcfarland (Poems by John Mcfarland) “In him, we cannot easily discern separate medical and humanistic sensibilities” (Joanne Trautmann describing William Carlos Williams) John McFarland was born into a medical family in Liverpool in 1930. His father was an orthopaedic
CfP ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds’ Uni of Nottingham, 13 April 2017
Reading Bodies, Writing Minds (CfP, University of Nottingham, 13 April 2017) ‘Reading Bodies, Writing Minds’ is a one-day conference exploring mental health issues in the medical humanities, and will be held 13 April 2017at Highfield House, The University of Nottingham’s
Stories Matter; Story Matters in health and illness At the centre of the teaching of Narrative Medicine in medical schools (originally in the US but increasingly across the world) is the need for health professionals to understand relationships of caring