Winds of the South: Intercultural university models for the 21st century
Editors: Manuela Guilherme Gunther Dietz


Introduction – Winds of the South: Intercultural university models for the 21st century by Manuela Guilherme Gunther Dietz

This issue of Arts and Humanities in Higher Education focuses on innovative initiatives which are emerging in different Latin-American university contexts as well as a few other experiments in traditionally established universities. Sometimes these initiatives are newly created higher education institutions that are rooted inside indigenous regions, in other cases conventional universities start to “interculturalize” their student population, their teaching staff, or even their curricular contents and methods. Despite certain criticisms, community leaders frequently claim and celebrate the appearance of these new higher education opportunities as part of a strategy of empowering ethnic actors of indigenous or afro-descendant origin.


Interview with Boaventura de Sousa Santos
by Manuela Guilherme Gunther Dietz

Local resignifications of transnational discourses in intercultural higher education: The case of the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural in Mexico                                                                                                   by Laura Selene Mateos Cortés Gunther Dietz

Is the interculturalisation of Chile’s universities a real possibility?
by Guillermo Williamson

Displacement and revitalization of the Nahuatl language in the High Mountains of Veracruz, Mexico
by Carlos O Sandoval Arenas

Knowing the other/other ways of knowing: Indigenous feminism, testimonial, and anti-globalization street discourse
by Isabel Dulfano

Llama herders and urban elites: Interdisciplinary readings of early colonial narratives in the Americas
by Christine D Beaule, Benito Quintana

Intercultural doctoral supervision: The centrality of place, time and other forms of knowledge
by Catherine Manathunga

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