9781137478047.inddPedagogic Criticism Workshop 2:

English between Higher and Secondary Education

Friday 20th February, 2015, 2-5 pm, London Senate House Room 243

In the study of English, bodies of knowledge and pedagogic practices are inextricably linked. Subjects are produced in the dialogues of the corridor and classroom as much as in the monograph or learned journal. Professional debates embed and promote styles of pedagogy: intellectual history is simultaneously the history of educational practices. The disciplines of English are simultaneously bodies of knowledge and communities of practice, performing their own protocols for argument and dialogue. And for the disciplines to thrive and develop, these communities of practice need to be interrogated and developed. These free workshops are not ‘educational development’ but aim to think about and open up parts of the disciplines of English that are central but rarely discussed.

Workshop 2: Friday 20th February, 2015, 2-5 pm, Room 243

English between Higher and Secondary Education
English is the biggest and – as the Of Mice and Men and ‘Brand affair’ showed – still most controversial school subject. How, if at all, does the experience of teaching and learning English at secondary level shape the subject in HE? And how, in turn, how does HE shape English at school and college?
Barbara Bleiman (English and Media Centre); Dr Andrew Green (Brunel University); Dr Clare Lynch (Brunel University)

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