writing6520116469_c543aa2d52AHHEcropEdited by Timothy Mathews, University College London, UK and Jen Webb, University of Canberra, Australia

 The vision of this special issue is to explore critical creativity in the interaction of form and content.

Expressions of interest/draft proposals 250 words including proposed form to ahhighed@sagepub.co.uk by 31st Aug 2015.

Full submissions are requested by 1st November 2015.

This special issue is dedicated to the dynamic of form and content in critical work. The history of thought from ancient to present times can be written as the history of the forms developed in expressing it. We invite contributions from scholars and practitioners of cultural enquiry exploring the need for challenging forms for challenging thought.

The vision of this special issue is to explore critical creativity in the interaction of form and content. The approach is different from the one which seeks to nurture the creative and the critical side by side. The work of the volume is pedagogical as well as critical and seeks to offer practical examples of the range of critical forms which it is possible to develop.

The aim is to offer dialogue with, but also resistance to a unifying discourse of research on culture, the effect of which is to limit the understanding of critical enquiry and the issues it is capable of addressing.

Contributions are invited from established as well as early career writers and researchers, and the volume seeks to showcase the range of cultural critical investigation currently being practised.

Contributions might include but are not limited to:

. the essay . the dialogue . the visual essay . fragment or fragments . the memoire . the critical narrative . the manifesto . poetry or poetic prose

Expressions of interest/draft proposals (250 words including description of the intended form and the thesis of the proposed work) to ahhighed@sagepub.co.uk by 31st July 2015.

Full submissions are requested by 1st November 2015 to be considered for publication in Vol. 15 (2016) to Arts and Humanities in Higher Education via the ‘Submit to this journal’ button on http://ahh.sagepub.com/ or direct to https:// mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ahhe after creating an account.

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