logo_definitivo_inglesSaturday 12.11.2016

09:00 – 10:00 PLENARY LECTURE The role of narrative in Person Centred Care     Nicky Britten

The term Person Centred Care has many definitions and few practitioners. At the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person Centred Care (GPCC) in Sweden, there is a shared definition which informs research and practice. This involves three ‘routines’: eliciting the person’s narrative to initiate a partnership; working the partnership to achieve commonly agreed goals; and using documentation to safeguard the partnership and record the person’s narrative and shared goals.  I will explore the work of implementing the GPCC model with particular attention to the challenges of integrating people’s narratives with everyday clinical care.

10:00 – 11:30 Parallel Session J     Exploring chronic pain narratives by using participatory theatre methods (Theatre performance) Larsen, Henry; Heape, Chris; Preben, Friis

10:00 – 11:30 Parallel Session K Narrativas en la educación de ciencias de la salud

1. Narrativas y práctica reflexiva en enfermeríaChoperena Armendáriz, Ana

2. Medicina Narrativa: una mirada diferente para la formación integral de médicos en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali. Florez Villafañe, Gloria Ines

3. La vida de un ahogado: explorando la empatía por los pacientes desde una clase de fisiología de la respiración. Gómez, Leonardo; Martínez Sánchez, Miguel Eduardo; Parra Chico, Wilson Andrés

4. Caminhos da Criação para promoção da SaúdeOrofino, Maria Marta; Kurtz, Diego Monroe; Pekaman, Renata

5. Papel político del Médico en el conflicto colombiano. Percepciones desde un curso de Medicina NarrativaParra Chico, Wilson Andrés

6. Narrativa crítica: aprendiendo a cuidarOlivé Ferrer, M Carmen

11:30 – 12:30 PLENARY LECTURE by Isabel Fernandes

The Challenges of the ‘new medicine’ and the place of narrative

My talk intends to be a tribute to João Lobo Antunes [1944-2016], distinguished Portuguese physician, humanist and professor, who allied the practice of neurosurgery with a vast erudition and a profound passion for literature throughout his life. Lobo Antunes argued for the relevance of literature in medical education and training and his writings make manifest his profoundly humane approach to the medical profession. I will take as a starting point topics from his two last published volumes of essays; A nova medicina [The New Medicine] (2012) and Ouvir com outros olhos Listen with other eyes] (2015) where he addresses the challenges doctors have to face in view of the new scientific, technological and socio-political developments in the  health care area in general which he terms “the new medical-industrial complex” (following Arnold S. Relman).

This brief overview will pave the way for addressing the role/s literature can play in this new scenario: in medical education and in in-service training, the importance of bringing first- person illness narratives to the attention of professionals and how the scrutiny of the use of metaphors in such narratives can contribute to make both medical students and other healthcare professionals aware of unexpected or neglected aspects of illness as experienced by patients.  I will resort to two more or less known cancer illness narratives: Christopher Hitchens’s Mortality 2012) and David Servan-Schreiber’s Not the Last Good-bye (2011).

14:00 – 15:00 PLENARY LECTURE by Rachel Grob 

The Singular Importance of Plural Voices

The idea that patients deserve a voice in health care has gained considerable traction in the U.S. and around the world.  A combination of factors have created an unprecedented opening in the public domain for the patient’s perspective — among them grassroots movements advocating “nothing about me without me,” shifting politics around inclusion, and evidence suggesting patient-informed care is most effective.  That space, however, is usually just large enough to allow room for “voice” in the singular.  It remains far too small for the chorus of voices we as patients represent in the plural.

In this talk I will trace the evolution of patient voice in the United States, highlighting progress to date and focusing on the imperative to move from voice to voices.  What conceptual commitments are implied by such a transformation? What methodologies do we need to make it happen?  Why is creating a chorus of patients’ voices complicated, and why is it difficult for that chorus to be heard with all the nuance it deserves? How can health care and health policy be improved by the move from singular voice to plural voices? What does all this have to do with DIPEx, with democracy, and with daring to move beyond simplistic conceptions of “patient engagement?”  Exploring these questions, and the ones you add in the course of our discussion, will be at the heart of this keynote session.

15:00 – 16:00 Parallel Session L Arte y Literatura

1. Quantas intençoes: educaçao da saúde e conexóes com a culturaValdez Poletto, Ana Lucia; dos Santos Valdez, Maria Elisabete

2. Médicos Escritores ou Escritores Médicos? – interseções entre medicina e literaturaGeovanini, Fátima; Andrade, Luciana; Mallet, Ana Luisa; Kestenberg, David; Monteiro, Renata; Barros, Aurora

3. Ante el poder de la palabra médica. Cordero Villamizar, Luz Elena

4. José Saramago e as interiténcias da morte. Carelli, Fabiana

15:00 – 16:00 Parallel Session M “La narrativa como elemento clave en el proceso de salud-enfermedad-atención: experiencias etnográficas aplicadas a los cuidados enfermeros”

1. “Percepciones de las mujeres y parejas durante el embarazo, parto y posparto tras someterse a técnicas de reproducción asistida”Crespo Mirasol, Esther

2. El apoyo informal en la enfermedad desde la perspectiva del paciente crónico”. Fernández Peña, Rosario

3. “De las narrativas de la locura: ¡Yo no estoy loco! ¿Por qué estoy aquí?”Márquez Romero, María Isabel

4. “Narrativas de las percepciones y vivencias de estar ingresado en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos a raíz del episodio mediático de Gripe A”. Prat Caballol, Rita

15:00 – 16:00 Parallel Session N Health narratives and Subjectivity / Patient relationship

1.  ‘A smile costs nothing but means absolutely everything’: a qualitative study of young people’s view and experiences of what makes a good consultation with the GPPrinjha, Suman

2. My driving was everything to me” Narratives of driving as a marker of identity. Locock, Louise; Stepney, Melissa; Kirkpatrick, Susan; Prinjha, Suman; Dumelow, Carol; Ryan, Sara;

3. Destruction and reconstruction of retirement narratives: poor health, mobility and revisions of a future life. Tudball, Jacqueline; Team, Victoria; Ryan, Kath; Smith, Lorraine

4. The DNA of the doctor/patient relationship. Plapler, Hélio; Carelli, Fabiana Buitor

16:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session O Psicoterapia y Enfermedad crónica

1. La participación informada en la detección precoz del cáncer colorectal. Chávarri, Ana Toledo; Perestelo Pérez, Lilisbeth; Abt Sacks, Analía; Pérez Ramos, Jeanette; Burón Pust, Andrea; González Hernández, Nerea; Serrano Aguilar, Pedro

2. Historias potenciales e historias contadas: La teoría narrativa de Paul Ricoeur para la práctica de la Psicología Clínica y la Psicoterapia. Trujillo Trujillo, Servando David

3. La deconstrucción y reconstrucción narrativa de las historias clínicas según la indicación formal de Martin Heidegger. Trujillo Trujillo, Servando David

4. La autobiografía en el abordaje de las psicosisMartínez Jambrina, Juan José

16:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session P Narrativas de salud y subjetividad (B)

1. Repertorios de objetos evocadores de recuerdos en padres que perdieron hijosGarcía-Hernández, Alfonso Miguel

2. Narrativas en torno a la ausencia del hijo fallecido versus tiempoGarcía-Hernández, Alfonso Miguel

3. La narrativa en la vivencia de la fibromialgia: estrategia de empoderamiento y contribución científica. Olivé Ferrer, M Carmen; Costa Abos, Silvia; Isla Pera, M Pilar

4. ¿Qué aportan la narrativas de las personas con distrofias hereditarias de retina para mejorar la práctica clínica?. Chávarri, Ana Toledo; Trujillo Martín, Mar; Sedeño, Tasmania del Pino; Perestelo Pérez, Lilisbeth; Abt Sacks, Analía; Serrano Aguilar, Pedro

16:00 – 17:00 Parallel Session Q : Chronic Illnesses

1. Mental Illness at work, authenticity in question: Experiencing, concealing and revealing depression at work. Ridge, Damien; Broom, Alex; Kokanovic, Renata; Hill, Nicholas; Ziebland, Sue

2. The Good Citizen with cancer: managing an ambivalence in Sweden, Denmark and the UKZiebland, Sue

3. Patient Narratives and the Unvoiced Other: The Centrality of Pets in the Lives of People with Chronic IllnessSchlesinger , Mark; Grob, Rachel

4. ‘Sigh of relief’: Narratives about the use of medical Cannabis.  Lavie-Ajayi, Maya

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