‘Is our ability to judge, to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly, dependent upon our faculty of thought? Do the inability to think and a disastrous failure of what we commonly call conscience coincide?…. An answer, if at all,
Against Value in the Arts and Education ed.by Sam Ladkin, Robert McKay & Emile Bojesen,
A multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary volume exploring the damage to the arts, arts’ funding and education through the rhetoric, manipulation and auditing of value. The collection includes contributions from anthropology, the history of art, literature, education, musicology, political science, and
AHHE for the Reflective Conservatoire: Music and consciousness
by David Clarke, International Centre for Music Studies, Newcastle University, UK and Eric Clarke, Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, UK Published in Arts and Humanities in HE Humanities Special Issue 13 (1-2) 2014 Calls to Action and Exemplary Essays http://ahh.sagepub.com/content/13/1-2/77.full.pdf+html If there
AAC&U Getting the Assessment of Student Learning in College Right
The VALUE Breakthrough: Getting the Assessment of Student Learning in College Right https://secure2.aacu.org/store/detail.aspx?id=GMSVALUE There is a sea change afoot in the United States. A consensus has emerged among educators and employers regarding the kind of education college students need
Linköping Conference on Enriching History Teaching and Learning in HE
Enriching History Teaching and Learning : Challenges, Possibilities, Practice: Proceedings of the Linköping Conference on History Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ed. by David Ludvigsson and Alan Booth Full text at http://liu.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:786270/FULLTEXT01.pdf Historians are increasingly intent upon building firmer knowledge and understanding about the
That’s Offensive! Criticism, Identity, Respect by Stefan Collini
That’s Offensive! CRITICISM, IDENTITY, RESPECT STEFAN COLLINI Manifestos for the 21st Century That’s Offensive! examines the common assertion that to criticize someone else’s deeply held ideas or beliefs is inherently offensive. This idea, Stefan Collini argues, is unfortunately reinforced by
English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present and Future
English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present, and Future, edited by Niall Gildea, Helena Goodwyn, Megan Kitching and Helen Tyson, is an accessible and wide-ranging consideration of concerns facing English Studies and its unique position within the university